Rep E


-----Original Message-----

From: Redacted

Sent: Monday, June 19, 2023 3:57 PM

To: EHL Licensing <>

Cc: EHL Safety <>; Redacted

Subject: Alcohol License Application by ‘Elate’ Cafe Rottingdean


   This email originates from outside of Brighton & Hove City Council. Please think carefully before opening attachments or clicking on links.



We are writing to object to the application by the above which we understand is to be from 11am to 10.30pm every day of the week, although clearing up and people dispersing would clearly go on much longer. Please note that this started as an unlicensed cafe.


We own a flat in the block of four directly above the cafe. The outside tables are close to our front door as it is and directly under our balcony. The lower flat is, of course, even closer to them. The potential for bad behaviour, unacceptable noise levels spoiling our enjoyment of our balcony and disturbance from deliveries of alcohol is likely to be considerable.


There are at least six other licensed premises in and around the village and we cannot see the need for any more. Indeed, one pub has already closed.


This is a residential area with children in nearby houses and a child of school age lives in one of the flats. We therefore feel that this proposal is completely unnecessary and unacceptable.


We do hope that you will give these comments due consideration as this matter is of great concern to us.


